Saturday, September 24, 2011

Types Of Autoresponders For Internet Marketing

There are several autoresponders available on the Internet, although they are divided into three main types – remotely hosted, locally hosted, and desktop hosted.  For many Internet marketers, locally and desktop hosted are far preferred over remotely hosted.  Although remote hosted are good, locally and desktop hosted autoresponders will allow you complete control – as you are running the program on your own site.

If you have a domain name, you can use as many autoresponders as you like, all of which will match your domain name.  When you use a remotely hosted program, you won’t be able to use your domain name with the autoresponder.  Instead, you’ll receive an address from the provider that resembles their link.  This can be great for some, although many prefer to have their own domain names listed in the autoresponder.

If you use your own domain name with your autoresponder, you can normally keep it secret that you are using an autoresponder.  When you send out emails using your autoresponder, it will display your website email, making it very hard to detect an autoresponder.  This can be a great way to use your autoresponder, especially if you don’t want your customers to know that you are using one.

If you use a remotely hosted autoresponder, those you send messages to with notice that you are using an autoresponder.  You should think of this from their prospective – if you were their customer, you probably wouldn’t want to receive messages from an autoresponder.  Instead, you would want to receive your emails and messages from someone real, giving you complete individual attention.

If you are just starting out with your company and happen to be on a tight budget, a remotely hosted autoresponder may very well be the best solution.  You can use it until you get more money and get back on track, although you shouldn’t use it long term.  Remotely hosted programs can get expensive very quickly; as the monthly charges will add it quick each month you use the program.

You can find remotely hosted autoresponders all over the Internet; all you have to do is run a search through a search engine like Google or Yahoo.  One of the best on the net is - Once you have found a website you can read more about them and what they have to offer.  If you like what you see, all you’ll need to do is sign up and then you begin using their services with a remotely hosted autoresponder.

Although locally hosted autoresponders are preferred, they do have disadvantages.  Some types will limit how many domains you can install them on.  If the vendor doesn’t provide free installation, you could have a problem installing the script, as most require some degree of technical experience.  Although you have complete control over the program, locally hosted programs don’t have as many features as remotely hosted programs.

Desktop hosted autoresponders are also great, although they too have disadvantages.  Some types will limit how many copies you can install on different computers.  To get the most from them, you’ll need a computer that is always connected to the Internet.  You’ll also need some experience to set them up, and they aren’t recommended for those who have large mailing lists.

Although there are 3 main types of autoresponders, the type you choose should depend on your website and your needs.  What’s the best idea for you may be completely useless to someone else.  When you make your final decision, you should always decide on what you need for your company – then pick an autoresponder that works best for you.

Locally Hosted Email Responders

Locally hosted autoresponders are autoresponders that you host through your own web server.  Normally, they are either scripts or programs that you need to have installed on your web server.  They often require you to have a database, such as SQL 2000 or mySQL.  They will also require you to purchase or lease programs or scripts that were written in ASP, Perl, or PHP.

Once the installation has been completed, you’ll need a web browser to start using these programs, to set them up, and run your subscriber list.  You don’t need to be an expert with these programs, although you will need a working knowledge so you can operate them effectively.  There are several autoresponders out there, many of which are flexible and offer you powerful features.  If you are a webmaster with your own site, a locally hosted email autoresponder is a great investment.

If you are in the internet marketing business and have a large subscriber base, locally hosted email autoresponders are a great choice - especially when you compare them to autoresponders that are remotely hosted.  Locally hosted programs will also provide you true flexibility, involving no third parties.  You don’t have to worry about any company hosting your autoresponder – simply because you will be doing everything yourself.

One of the best things about locally hosted email autoresponders is the fact that you own the program.  Once you have purchased the software, you own it for the rest of your life.  This way, you don’t have to worry about any other charges.  You won’t have to pay a company to run it, which will save you a lot of money in the long run.  There are no monthly charges involved either, which makes locally hosted email responders that much better than remote hosted responders.

Providing the licensing condition allows it, you might be able to run the email responder on multiple sites.  Some will let you run multiple copies on several different websites, while others require that you pay a small fee to upgrade first.  If you are planning to run multiple copies, you should first find out how many copies or how many websites you are able to use the software with, before you make a purchase.  This way you’ll be able to determine the true cost of the software and whether or not it is right for you.

Considering the fact that you’ll be running locally hosted email responders yourself, you’ll have more control than you would with a remote email responder.  Locally hosted email responders give you more control over the database, and a better range of customization features.  This way, you can set things up to your liking and rest assured that you are in total control.

Some locally hosted email responder programs will allow you to further customize the script to fit your needs.  You can do this yourself if you know enough about scripting languages, or simply pay someone to do it for you.  If you the program you are using or plan to use allow customization, you can pretty much fine tune it to your liking.

All across the Internet, there are several locally hosted email responders that you can get.  Some of the best include Post Master, Send Studio, and Intellisponder Pro.  There are other great programs out there, although they will cost you money to use.  Once you buy them though, they are yours for as long as you use them.  When you consider what’s best for your online business – you can’t rule out the power and features that a locally hosted email responder will provide you with.

How Autoresponders Work

At some point in our Internet lives, a majority of us have received a message from an autoresponder.  It could have been a short response letting you know that the individual is away, or an email thanking you for something that you have done.  Perhaps it was even an email letting you know about upcoming products, or even an email letting you know that a message you tried to send couldn’t be delivered.

Each one of these messages is all but a different version of a useful program known as an autoresponder.  Autoresponders are very useful tools, as they will automatically send out an answer to any email that they receive.  The answer that they send out however, will all depend on the messages that you have the program set up with.  Autoresponders are very flexible, and most will hold a variety of pre set messages.

The very first autoresponders were used with email providers or email transfer agents.  Whenever an email you sent out couldn’t be delivered to the recipient, it would send you an automatic response letting you know that your mail couldn’t be delivered.  Although these programs were somewhat helpful, they weren’t all that sophisticated.

Over the years, autoresponders have changed quite a bit, proving to be very useful with big companies and even Internet marketing.  These days, autoresponders are used by businesses and companies to give immediate response and feedback to interested clients and subscribers.  This could include a response about programs, information about pricing, specific details regarding a product, and even a time that someone from the company can get in touch with the client.

In the world of Internet marketing, staying in touch with clients is easier than ever with an autoresponder.  They will save you a quite a bit of time, especially when you think about how long it would take you to personally send email responses to each and every email you get.  If you run a business, you probably get hundreds of emails a day.  An autoresponder can simplify your life, by sending out a preset message response to each and every email you receive.

You can set up an autoresponder using either one or two methods – an outsourced ASP model and server side model.  When using an outsourced ASP model, the company wishing to use the autoresponder will their business model will contract through an outside provider.  This outside provider will then give the company user access to a web based system, or control panel.  From the control panel, the company or individual can set up the autoresponder, preset messages, and decide how the autoresponder will handle the many different types of emails. One of the best services we have found is their service is top notch. To use these types of services, the individual or company will have to pay the autoresponder provider a flat monthly fee.

Server side autoresponders are a bit different.  Basically, they are programs that a company or individual installs themselves and runs it on their own computer or server.  You can save money with these programs, as you don’t have to pay a provider to operate the autoresponder.  Although server side autoresponders weren’t user friendly in the beginning, they have become easier and easier to operate over the years – and are now the most popular type of autoresponder.

In all actuality, autoresponders are great to have.  They are very reliable, and can easily save you a lot of time. The way the different types work can be a bit perplexing, although most are easy to use and easy to implement into your website.  If you own or operate an online business – an autoresponder is something you should never find yourself without.

Increasing Your Sales With Autoresponders

The autoresponder is without a doubt one of the best marketing tools you can get.  It is a widely used application that will automatically respond to any email that it receives.  They are considered to be magical indeed, triggered by a blank email that they receive to their address.  Once they receive this email, they automatically start working for your business.

Whenever someone sends the autoresponder a message, the individual who sent the message will receive a preset email message with the information they were seeking.  Depending on the servers and speed of the Internet, the email response will happen very fast.  Autoresponders have always been known for their quick speed and fast responses to any type of email message they receive.

One of the best things about autoresponders is the fact that they are always available.  They are always there 24/7, providing your clients and customers with the information they seek.  They will make your business life easier, by boosting your sales.   They require little work from you, yet they are easy to operate.  They can also make managing your customers and clients easier than ever, as they will help you keep track of your responses and keep up with email addresses you receive.

Even if you’ve never used an autoresponder before, you can easily use it to your advantage with your online business.  You can preset it to say a variety of messages, even inform your clients about future offers and products.  This is a great way to get your message out there, especially if you are currently holding a sale or other deal that you know people won’t want to miss out on.  Autoresponders will work for you day or night, making your company information available to anyone whenever they want it.

Contrary to popular belief, not all buyers are impulse buyers.  Research has shown that less than 15% of those who visit websites are impulse buyers.  Although most websites focus themselves on getting visitors to buy their products immediately, most buyers need time to think about a product or offer they will purchase it.  Most buyers don’t like to buy something immediately, simply because they may not be familiar with the product or know what it can do for them.  Therefore, most buyers will learn all they can about something before they decide to go ahead and purchase it.

You can also use an autoresponder to distribute courses, articles or reports to your clients and subscribers.  They are also great for providing free information to interested individuals, or immediately sending out information about your products and opportunities.  You can also choose to send out price lists as well, or welcome new clients to your organization.  If customers have purchased from you before, you can use an autoresponder to send out confirmations, thank you notes, and even offer discounts to those who buy your products.

In the world of Internet marketing, autoresponders are simply beneficial to have.  They are worth more than the price you pay for them, simply because they will provide you with so much for so little.  One of the best in the business is Sending out information is easy with an autoresponder – as it will provide information about your company and products to interested clients the instant they need it.

All in all, an autoresponder will help you operate your business easier than ever before.  Unlike other programs you can get for your online business, autoresponders will keep you in a constant state of readiness.  You can feel free to go out and do what you want – and rest assured that your autoresponder will be there to supply information to those who need it.

How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

Internet Marketing and autoresponders essentially
go hand-in-hand. In today’s online business world,
you simply cannot succeed at Internet marketing
without the use of autoresponders. Autoresponders
are used to achieve many of the marketing tasks
that are essential to a successful online business.

Internet marketing can be very time consuming.
Whether you do affiliate marketing or market your
own products, an autoresponder is a big part of your
marketing arsenal. Autoresponders are used to keep
in contact with your past customers, and to develop
a relationship with potential customers.

An autoresponder can be used to deliver sales
messages to your opt-in customer list. It can be
used to deliver email courses, to send reminders,
and even to help you build an opt-in list if you don’t
already have one. There are many creative ways you
can use your autoresponder to make more sales and
to build customer relations.

Any successful marketer will tell you that there are
two tools that are vital to any type of online
marketing – an opt-in list and an autoresponder. In
fact, most marketers will agree that you could take
away all of their other marketing tools, but they
would fight to the death to keep the list and the

What You Need To Know About Autoresponders

The Internet is a great place for business these days.  There are hundreds of thousands of companies on the Internet, eagerly anticipating your business.  With most companies dealing with hundreds and hundreds of customers on a daily basis, some wonder how they do it.  When you break down the basics, you’ll see that most use autoresponders – very nifty tools that can help you with a variety of tasks.

Once you have an autoresponder set up on your website, you can make money even if you aren’t there.  You can be out with your family or doing other things, while your autoresponder draws visitors to your website and makes you some money.  Normally, people don’t buy anything on their first or second visit to a website.  Most like to shop around, compare, and find the best deal for their money.  Autoresponders can be thought of as cheap salesman – as they will follow up your potential customers and keep their interest sparked.

When someone visitors your website and likes what they see, they will normally sign up on your customer list.  If you don’t have a customer list, you should invest in one immediately.  A customer, or opt-in list, is the heart and soul of your company.  This list will contain each and every one of your customers, and is also the main database for an autoresponder.

Autoresponders can be used to send out preset messages anytime you wish. One of the best on the net is they offer a free trial account. They can inform your customers of news, upcoming products, and answer most questions.  Autoresponders can be thought of as salesman, as they will let customers know about products, what features the products have, and how the customer will benefit from using the product.  On top of that, autoresponders will also keep your customers up to date and follow up with them to ensure that they feel special.

Simply having a website isn’t enough these days.  There are millions and millions of websites out there on the Internet, hundreds of which are offering the same products and services that you are.  You have plenty of competition, no matter what you may be offering.  To succeed this day and age, you’ll be stand out among the rest and offer your customers more than competitors.  Having the edge over your competition means you’ll get more traffic – which results in more sales.

Although autoresponders can help you a great deal, they can’t do it all themselves.  They will handle virtually all of your email related tasks, help you gain traffic, and keep your customers informed with everything going on in your company.  To get the most from your autoresponder, you’ll need to make sure you use it every chance you get.  They are very handy programs – and can make your business life easier than ever before if you let them.